Design, Fashion, & the State of the World

Clothing design

Through design research, this project aims to solve the various problems caused by fast fashion. The goal is to analyze the trends in fast fashion and develop a solution by utilizing our graphic design skills.

The rise of fast fashion design not only enforces gentrification but also brings on many environmental issues. To combat this, I believe that graphic designers can extend their skills to help solve the environmental problems caused by the fast fashion industry.


The nature of this pump and dump system values production over quality. Thus, the designs lack a sense of meaning and individuality. We have the ability to create an image for ourselves rather than relying on others to do it for us. We exist through our clothing, so why not showcase our personality through what we wear?


While the high fashion industry only caters towards the wealthy, fast fashion is much more consumer friendly. However, it also promotes gentrification through copy and pasted designs. My goal is to find a happy medium where one can express their individuality without spending an exorbitant amount of money.

The World3

The idea of making easy money by creating low quality designs that are made to be mass produced is causing problems for the environment. The fabric of mass produced garments break down at a much higher rate. This ultimately leads to raw material waste and the overflow of landfill.

Read more about the impact /here/

After researching sustainable resources, I find that upcycling clothes is a great way to reduce waste. I designed the graphics based on my interest in typography and pop culture. The combination of thrifting and self expressive designs empowers designers to take complete ownership of their creations.